Figure Skating Articles Thursday, May 16, 2024

Australian Olympic figure skater Brendan Kerry banned by US sport safety body for sexual misconduct – Source,

SafeSport bans Brendan Kerry for sexual misconduct with minor – by Dan Murphy and Pete Madden,

Battling CRMO: Inspiring Metro Detroit figure skater overcomes rare bone disease – Source,

Spend Summer on the Ice! Skating School Registration Open – Source,

E.B. Cook, A Colourful American Fancy Skating Pioneer – by Ryan Stevens, Skate Guard Blog

Maxim Staviski: “Let Cizeron return with Lambiel and get up to all sorts of nonsense. With Papadakis they’d return using the same style, this is nothing new. Chock/Bates, should also consider retirement.” – Source, A Translation of Rsport Interview with Staviski posted @

Slutskaya said that so far she cannot fully devote herself to coaching – by Alina Savinova,

Averbuh replied if he was ready to invite Valiev to his show, despite her disqualification – by Sonya Kasatkina,

Averbuh believes that Valiyeva should think about returning to big sport – by Batraz Tomayev,

Valiyeva will perform in the show of Navka, despite the ban! What kind of loophole did they find? – by Anton Pilyasov,

About Peter

Retired Navy Journalist and Figure Skating Blogger.
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