ISU Figure Skating and Speed Skating Branches gather for decisive regulatory changes.

The Branch sessions for Speed Skating and Figure Skating took center stage on the third and fourth day of the ISU Congress, during which the Special Regulations and Technical Rules were discussed and voted on. These split sessions underscored the ISU’s commitment to addressing the individual needs in each discipline, while fostering major improvements for the growth of the ice-skating community.

Figure Skating Branch

The Vice President for Figure Skating, Benoît Lavoie opened the Figure Skating Branch session on June 12th. He provide an insightful overview of the positive outcomes achieved over the past two years, while highlighting the necessity to adapt rules and regulations to the new realities of the sport.

Overview of Figure + Synchronized Skating Proposal votes

Proposals for Special Regulations (Single & Pair Skating and Ice Dance): 51

Technical Rules (Single & Pair Skating and Ice Dance): 31

Proposals for Special Regulations (Synchronized Skating): 28

Technical Rules (Synchronized Skating): 13

Votes on the General Technical Rules Proposals for Single & Pair Skating and Ice Dance (226-233 + Urgent Matters 19, except for 232 excluded) were accepted.

As for the Single & Pair Skating Technical Rules, the Council presented a decision to delay the implementation date, which was accepted by a simple majority of the Figure Skating Branch delegates. More specifically, Technical Rule Proposals 234 through 246 will be implemented only after the Olympic season 2026/27. However, the Technical Rule Proposals 236, 237 and 243 will be effective immediately after this Congress 2024. The acceptance of Proposal 236 is of particular importance as it removes the somersault jumps from the illegal elements. Consequently, skaters will no longer be penalized for performing such jumps as from season 2024/25.

All Technical Rules Proposals for Ice Dance (247-255) and Synchronized Skating (285-297) were accepted.

Read the complete article @

About Peter

Retired Navy Journalist and Figure Skating Blogger.
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